this is what I made
private static String removeFontSizeFromStyle(String styleContent) { String fontPattern = "[fF][oO][nN][tT]-[sS][iI][zZ][eE]\\s*:\\s*[0-9.]+[a-zA-Z%]*\\s*+;?"; return styleContent.replaceAll(fontPattern, ""); }
private static String removeFontSizeFromStyle(String styleContent) { String fontPattern = "[fF][oO][nN][tT]-[sS][iI][zZ][eE]\\s*:\\s*[0-9.]+[a-zA-Z%]*\\s*+;?"; return styleContent.replaceAll(fontPattern, ""); }
int c, t, s, i; int luckyandprimeprime(int l, int r) { int[] p = new int[100001]; s = p.length; for ( i = 2; i < s; i++, t=0) while ((t += i) < s) p[t]++; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (p[i] == 1) c++; for (i = l; i <= r; i++) { if (p[i] == 1) c++; if (p[c] == 1) t++; } return t; }
Prime Prime if the number of prime numbers in the range [1, P]
is prime. Bunny asked Lucky to calculate the number of Prime Prime numbers in the range [l, r]
. Can you you help her?l = 1
and r = 10
, the output should beluckyandprimeprime(l, r) = 4
prime numbers in the given range: 2
, 3
, 5
and 7
. Thus, Prime Prime numbers are 3
, 4
, 5
and 6
, 4
numbers altogether.1 ≤ l ≤ r
.l ≤ r ≤ 105
.[l, r]
Prime Prime if the number of prime numbers in the range [1, P]
is prime. Bunny asked Lucky to calculate the number of Prime Prime numbers in the range [l, r]
. Can you you help her?l = 1
and r = 10
, the output should beluckyandprimeprime(l, r) = 4
prime numbers in the given range: 2
, 3
, 5
and 7
. Thus, Prime Prime numbers are 3
, 4
, 5
and 6
, 4
numbers altogether.1 ≤ l ≤ r
.l ≤ r ≤ 105
.[l, r]
.def cuttingRod(s, arr): m = arr[s-1] for i in range(1,int(s/2)+1): left= i right =s-i val = cuttingRod(left, arr) + cuttingRod(right,arr) print(left, right, val) m= max(m, val ) return m def cuttingRodDP(s, arr): m = [0 for i in range(len(arr)+1)] for i in range(1, len(arr)+1): m[i]= arr[i-1] maxValue =0 for i in range(1, len(arr)+1): for j in range(1,i+1): maxValue = max(maxValue, m[j] + m[i-j]) m[i] = maxValue print(m) return maxValue arr= [ 1 , 5, 8 , 9 , 10, 17, 17, 20] print(cuttingRod(len(arr), arr)) print(cuttingRodDP(len(arr), arr))
# link site is
def lps(str): n = len(str) L = [[0 for col in range(n)] for row in range(n)] for i in range(n): L[i][i] =1 #count for cl in range(2, n+1): for i in range(0, n-cl+1): j= i+cl-1 if str[i] == str[j] and cl ==2 : L[i][j] =2 elif str[i] == str[j]: L[i][j] = L[i+1][j-1] + 2 else : L[i][j] = max(L[i][j-1], L[i+1][j]) print(L) return L[0][n-1]; print(lps("ABACAA"))
x | + |
y | = |
n |
int c, l; int Bridge(int[] t) { l=t.length; Arrays.sort(t); while(l>3) { c+= Math.min( 2*t[1], t[l - 2] + t[0]) + t[l-1] + t[0]; l-=2; } return c+= l<3?t[l-1]:t[1] + t[0]+t[2]; }
int c, i,t; int MaxCupCakes(int N, int[] P, int K) { for (; i < P.length; i++ ) { t= (P[i] -c -1); if(K<=t) break; K=K-t; c=P[i]; } return c+K<= N ?c+K : -1; }
int MaxCupCakes(int n, int[] P, int k) { for(int i:P) if(i<=k)k++; return k>n ?-1 : k ; }
Max and Caroline, two girls in their mid-twenties, work at a Brooklyn restaurant as waitresses. Together, they dream of starting up their cupcake business.One day Max comes with a box ofN
cupcakes numbered according to their quality from1
. Caroline has a list of cupcakesP
that should be removed from the box.Your task it to find the quality of theKth
cupcake after the cupcakes from the listP
are removed from the box.If it is not possible to get theKth
cupcake, return-1
instead.ExampleForN = 4
,P = [1]
andK = 2
, the output should beMaxCupCakes(N, P, K) = 3
.Initially there were cupcakes of the following quality:1, 2, 3, 4
. According toP
, the cupcake with quality1
should be removed, so only the following cupcakes are left:2, 3, 4
. The2nd
cupcake in this list is3
, thus the output should be3
as well.
[input] integer NThe number of cupcakes,4 ≤ N ≤ 109
. [input] array.integer PA sorted array of positive integers, the cupcakes to be removed.0 ≤ P.length ≤ 500
,1 ≤ P[i] ≤ N
. [input] integer KA positive integer, the 1-based number of the cupcake to find. [output] integerThe quality of theKth
cupcake, or-1
if less thanK
cupcakes are left.
coins = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000] def find(coins, target): list = []; for i in reversed(range(len(coins))): print(coins[i]) while target>= coins[i]: target = target - coins[i] list.append(coins[i]) return list list = find(coins, 93 ) print(list)
Problem Statement |
You are given two Strings: A and B. Each character in A
is either '0' or '1'. Each character in B is '0', '1', or '?'. A string C matches B if we can change B into C by changing each '?' in B either to '0' or to '1'. Different occurrences of '?' may be changed to different digits. For example, C = "0101" matches B = "01??". Note that each character in C must be either '0' or '1', there cannot be any '?' remaining. Consider all possible strings that match B. How many of these strings occur as a (contiguous) substring in A? Compute and return their number. Note that we only count each good string once, even if it has multiple occurrences in A. |
Definition |
Limits |
Constraints |
- | A will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive. | ||||||||||||
- | B will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive. | ||||||||||||
- | Each character in A will be '0' or '1'. | ||||||||||||
- | Each character in B will be '0', '1' or '?'. | ||||||||||||
Examples |
0) | |||||||||||||
1) | |||||||||||||
2) | |||||||||||||
3) | |||||||||||||
4) | |||||||||||||
public long ways(String A, String B){ HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); int blen = B.length(); for (int i = 0; i <= A.length()-blen; i++) { set.add(A.substring(i, i+blen)); } Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); int count =0; while (iter.hasNext()) { String str =; boolean found = true; for (int i = 0; i < blen; i++) { if(B.charAt(i)!= '?'){ if(A.charAt(i) != B.charAt(i)){ found =false; break; } } } if(found){ count++; } } return count; }
int o = a[0] < a[1] ? 0 :1; for (int i = 1; i < a.length-1; i++) if( 0!= (a[i] < a[i+1]?0:1) ) return "not sorted"; return o ==0?"ascending" : "descending";
long a = 0,b= 0,c= 0,d= 0,e= 0,f=1, t = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { t = a+b+c+d+e+f; a=b; b=c; c=d; d=e; e=f; f=t; } return t+"";
Hexanacci numbers: a(n+1) = a(n)+...+a(n-5) with a(0)=...=a(4)=0, a(5)=1. |
dic = {} class MinHeapNode: def setNode(self, left, right, freq, char): self.left = left self.right = right self.freq = freq self.char = char return self def huffmanCoding(arr, freq): heapArr = [] for i in range(len(arr)): heapArr.append(MinHeapNode().setNode(None, None , freq[i], arr[i])) print(heapArr[i].freq, heapArr[i].char) while(len(heapArr)>1): left = heapArr.pop(0) right = heapArr.pop(0) insertionSort(heapArr, MinHeapNode().setNode(left, right, left.freq+right.freq, left.char + right.char)) rootheap= heapArr.pop() return rootheap def printHeap(heap, str): if heap.left != None: printHeap(heap.left, str + '0') if heap.right !=None: printHeap(heap.right, str + '1' ) if heap.left == None: print(heap.char, str) dic[heap.char] = str def insertionSort(heapArr, heap): index = len(heapArr) for i in range(len(heapArr)): if heap.freq < heapArr[i].freq: index = i break heapArr.insert(index, heap) def makeNewString(arr, freq): freqcopy = freq[:] arrcopy = arr[:] strval = '' while len(freqcopy) >0: number = random.randrange(0,len(freqcopy)) freqcopy[number] = freqcopy[number]-1 strval = strval + arrcopy[number] if freqcopy[number] == 0: freqcopy.pop(number) arrcopy.pop(number) return strval def endcoding(str): strval = '' for i in range(len(str)): strval = strval + dic[str[i]] return strval def huffmandecode(rootheap, strvalencoded): index = 0; orgstr = ''; while index < len(strvalencoded): str = getchar(rootheap, index, strvalencoded) index = index + len(dic[str]) orgstr = orgstr + str return orgstr def getchar(rootheap, index, strvalencoded): if rootheap.left == None: return rootheap.char number = int(strvalencoded[index]) if number ==0: return getchar(rootheap.left, index+1, strvalencoded) if number ==1: return getchar(rootheap.right, index+1, strvalencoded) arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] freq = [5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 45] rootheap = huffmanCoding(arr, freq) printHeap(rootheap, '') strval = makeNewString(arr, freq) print("org ", strval) strvalencoded = endcoding(strval) print("encoded ",strvalencoded) orgencoded = huffmandecode(rootheap, strvalencoded) print("decoded ", orgencoded)
# make setdef MakeSet(number): return node().set(number) # find rootdef find(x): if x.parent.number == x.number: return x else: return find(x.parent) # merge two setsdef union(x, y): xRoot = find(x) yRoot = find(y) xRoot.parent = yRoot class node(): def set(self, number): self.parent = self self.number = number return self # make setsets = list(map(lambda x:MakeSet(x), range(10))) for i in range(len(sets)): print(sets[i].number, sets[i].parent) # one set is 0-4 super root is 4for i in range(0, 4): union(sets[i], sets[i+1]) # the otehr set is 5~9 super root is 9for i in range(5, len(sets)-1): union(sets[i], sets[i+1]) # test for all nodes finding root nodefor i in range(len(sets)): print(i ," parent -> ", find(sets[i]).number)
package numberFrom400; import java.util.Arrays; import euler.util.EulerUtil; public class number491 { public static long totalCase = 0; public static int total = 0; public static int sum = 90; public static void main(String args[]){ long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int numbers[] = new int[10]; searching(0, 0, numbers); System.out.println(totalCase); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis()-start); } public static void searching(int position, int count, int[]arr ){ if(position>=arr.length){ if(count == 10){ // 여기서 시작한다. 왼쪽 섬 int subsum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i] != 0){ int val = i *arr[i]; subsum += val; } } if((subsum -(sum - subsum))%11 ==0){ // System.out.println("this num is divisible"); // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(reversse(arr)) + " re "); // 여기가 Divisible이 가능한 위치 int twocount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i]== 2){ twocount ++; } } long leftCase = EulerUtil.getFactorial(10)/(long)Math.pow(2, twocount); if(arr[0] ==1 ){ leftCase = (leftCase - EulerUtil.getFactorial(9)/(long)Math.pow(2, twocount)); }else if (arr[0] ==2) { leftCase = (leftCase - EulerUtil.getFactorial(9)/(long)Math.pow(2, twocount-1)); } int[] reverse = reversse(arr); // right case twocount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < reverse.length; i++) { if(reverse[i]== 2){ twocount ++; } } long rightCase = EulerUtil.getFactorial(10)/(long)Math.pow(2, twocount); totalCase = totalCase + (leftCase * rightCase ); }else{ } total++; return; }else if(count > 5){ return; } return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[position] = i; searching(position+1, count+i, arr); arr[position] = 0; } } public static int[] reversse (int arr[]){ int reverse[]= new int[arr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { reverse[i] = 2 - arr[i]; } return reverse; } }